Pedigree Puppy Large Breed Dog Food (10 Kg)

Product details

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Pedigree Puppy Large Breed Dog Food 10 Kg Pack

Product details


  • Maintains ideal weight
  • Boosts pet immunity
  • Fortified with minerals and vitamins
  • Provides healthy growth in pet


Product description

The Pedigree puppy large breed in professional range comes in a 3 kg pack has been specially formulated to facilitate a healthy growth in your pet, while maintaining the fragile digestive system of your pet. This comes with a palatable flavor and also helps to maintain strong bones and teeth. The Pedigree professional food has been formulated suite the palate every large breed puppy. The food is easy to digest and maintains the digestive system for all your puppies. The 3kg pack gives a boost to your pet’s immunity. The food is fortified with all the required minerals and vitamins that will help in growth of your dog. The food help your pet to make the smooth transition from mother’s milk to solid food. This is a complete food itself and does not to be substituted just ensure that there is ample drinking water available at all times.

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Additional information

Weight 10 kg


Breed Type

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